Excellent piece Manners, as always. The value of choosing independents depends, as you intimated, on the quality of the independents, and the quality of the people who choose them. That's why the independents issue is a potential problem, especially in SA. Another way of approaching the problem is to reduce the money paid to board members. Is it asking too much to return to the old days, when people were given travel and R&R allowances? The relative lack of money would, I am sure, drive away those who are motivated by status and money rather than love of the game.

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Hi Neil, who are the 14 Presidents and is it possible to name those who voted for and against the motion?

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Once again Manners, on the nail. Don't stop putting the pressure on. Even if many don't know who voted for or against, those who went against the same choice know that others are aware.

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I echo the sentiment - Don't Stop keeping cricket lovers informed. So very, very much appreciated!

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