Hi Neil,

I recently wrote about what we could do with the cricketing calendar. long story short we should only have t20 and test cricket. with the t20 side taking up the first half of the year followed by a month long break. which would lead into a test season starting from July and ending in December. it is a pipe dream no doubt. but we need to decide which t20 comps we are going to have and then have played in a shorter window. why we need two months to find out a domestic t20 winner is beyond me.

Comps like that force nations to play 2 test series, which does nothing for anyone.

A shake up can be done. its up to the ICC and the big 3 to decide where they want to take this beloved game forward. are we going to end up like football where the clubs are more important? or will we decide the opposite?.

I get the amount of money involved in these leagues but at the same time surely we can find the money to keep test cricket alive, and not just for the big 3 but for everyone.

Would love to listen to the coverage via radio, if its available in SA.

Here is the link below my post if anyone is interested.


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Lovely writing. Wish SA could get more tests (well aware of the situation of why not) It would still be most enjoyable if we did though. Enjoy the sights and sounds! Looking forward to your adventures.

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