Hi Manners, thanks again for a very well written and insightful article. What a sad state of affairs at CSA caused by inept, self centered out of touch "administrators". Unfortunately, given the ever increasing "transformation" narrative permeating all sectors of South African society (including team selections), I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps they should start arranging fixtures with Zimbabwe and Kenya.

Kind regards


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Hi Manners,

Thanks for your forthright comments, much appreciated.

I have a major concern that we still have not recognized to the full extent that a sound functioning boardroom is as important as performance on the field. In fact, a weak or incompetent boardroom will over time cause poor performances on the field. The West Indies are a prime example and now South Africa epitomizes the connection between boardroom competence and performance on the field.

The danger is that outstanding performances on the field eg when Graeme Smith was skipper, can camouflage an increasingly incompetent boardroom. The warning signs were there after Ali Bacher's heyday, showed promise when Haroon Lorgat took over at the helm and since then effectiveness has nose-dived despite the best efforts from some well-intentioned individuals.

To me, the message is clear. Insist on highly competent superb professionals in the boardroom dedicated to serving South African cricket. not their own egos. And don't succumb to a gender split. If the best are women, appoint them. If the best are men, appoint them. Maggie Thatcher, was the UK's best prime minister in the 20th century. a competent professional . . . .and a woman !!

Best wishes,

Ron Hurt

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