Hi Neil,

You are 100% correct the England/NZ series was very disappointing.

As per you chat with John M on radio. Glad you are gong to India-please don’t forget yours is the only link to the Cricketing World that many :old farts” have. Most of the guys I know don’t do Facebook, twitter etc. WhatsApp has proved to be a mitacle.

Re Coach I feel Rob has a very low profile and maybe that is why people knock him a bit.

Aidan needed confidence building and hopefully this has helped. We always kick em when they are down and they certainly were down. Heinrich has turned into one of the BIG GUNS around---and the spinners did a superb job as well. All augurs well for W.C.

Cricket is a funny old game as they say. Look at Joe Roots form in the NZ/ENGLAND series.

Will shortly be having some coffee with you,

Keep up the good work,

Paul Morkel—aka Morks

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Bob Woolmer created as close as possible to the perfectly balanced ODI lineup in terms of battting stayers, batting hitters, penetrative bowlers, holding bowlers etc.

You would have had that WC if only he spent a a bit more time on running between the wickets...


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Ha! There wasn't much Bob didn't explore as a coach. To this day he's still the only coach I've seen to organised for the batsmen to practise diving for the crease at the end of a tight run.

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Hi Guys--watching Kiwi's v Poms---different league completly. Mr Manners this is probably the most accurate article you have writen.

Forget about our players [especially the $9 million Tristan Stubbs] I am afraid we just dont have the right coach,--then we go up CSA --well nothing much I can say but enjoy the Rugga,chaps!

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Bit harsh, Paul! I didn't think the quality of the England/NZ series was much higher than that on show during the SA/Aus series. Certainly not in the last three ODIs... And you probably won't be surprised to hear that I think Rob Walter is a very good coach - and certainly the best man for the job at the moment.

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Hi Paul,

I'm not sure ANY coach would make much difference, to be honest. A coach is only as good as his players and, more importantly, a coach and his players are only as good as their employers...!

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Or maybe they just are not good enough. More teams have not won the World Cup than have. Will support them either way

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South Africa hasn't won a World Cup with some genius individuals. 1999 was the best ODI team in the world... on paper. Steve Waugh said as much himself. The hope this year is that the team equals considerably more...CONSIDERABLY more... than the sum of its parts. Feels like a slim hope at the moment...

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